S.R. Paramedical Institute, BAREILLY
Approved by Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi, Affiliated to ABVMU & UPSMF Lucknow
ABVMU Code-2430434 UPSMF Code-1498
S.R. Paramedical Institute offers B.Sc. Nursing, GNM & DPT Courses. The institute has well organised playground, canteen, language lab and Library. Institute has spacious laboratories with all necessary equipments, chemicals and glassware’s, so that students learn and perform practicals easily.
Institute organises various competitions, workshops, conferences and guest lecturers to meet the requirements of students and to give them a platform to polish their distinguished activities in all fields of entertainment, education and research.
1. Lecture Halls:
Well ventilated with proper lighting built in Green/White Boards. Also smart class podium available for rendering smart teaching to the students for advance knowledge and acquired new technique that help for student utilize in not only in field of nursing but also use in other educational field.
2. Library
S.R. Paramedical Institute, Bareilly has a proper lighting facilities and well-ventilated separate library. It helps for easily accessible to the teaching faculty and the students, during college hours and extended hours also.
• Have comfortable seating arrangements for half of the total strength of the students and teachers.
• Has sufficient number of cupboards, books shelves and racks with glass doors for proper and safe storage of books, magazines, journals, newspapers and other literature.
•provision for catalogue-cabinets, racks for student’s bags etc., book display racks, bulletin boards and stationery items like index cards, borrower’s cards, labels and registers
•Complete collection of text and reference books
• Audio Video Material
•Professional journals and magazines
• Wi-Fi enabled library
•Online database on nursing education
•Well equipped nursing centre

3. Labs
a) Nutrition Laboratory:
This lab has facilities for imparting basic knowledge of various methods of cooking for the healthy as well as for the sick. The has furnishing and equipment work-tables, cooking cutlery, trays, and plates, dietetic scales, cooking utensils, microwave, racks / shelves, refrigerator, pressure cookers, mixie and cupboards for storage of food items. The food items shall be purchased for the conduct of practical classes as and when required. Sets of crockery and cutlery for preparation, napkins for serving and display of food also available there.

b) Community Health Nursing Lab:
This Lab is well designed and equipped with articles for preparing students to work in Urban and Rural areas in field of community. This lab ensures the students to learn home visiting , bag technique & practice the Community Health Nursing while providing family health care at the door step of the client using modified home visiting.

c) Nursing Foundation Lab:
Lab well ventilated fully equipped with demonstration beds with dummies, mannequins in proportion to the number of students practicing a nursing procedure at a given point of time, built-in-cupboards and racks, wash-basins with running water supply, electric fitting, adequate furniture like table, chairs, stools, patient lockers footsteps etc. Sufficient Necessary inventory articles needed for the practice of nursing procedure by the students.

d) OBG and Pediatric Nursing lab/ Maternal and Child Health Nursing Lab:
​OBG and Pediatric lab is well equipped with various models, charts, demonstration beds with antenatal and postnatal dummies, pediatric beds with pediatric dummies, advance technique based delivery table with mechanism of labour manikin and required items as norm available in this lab for teaching students about stages of pregnancy, care of postnatal mother and her baby.

e) Pre-Clinical Science (Anatomy and Physiology & Microbiology) Lab:
This lab is equipped to teach the students all Microbiology, Biochemistry, Hematological test and also equipped with human body system charts, model and skeletal, so that students have knowledge about all these areas before going to hospital and attend confidently patient.

f) Computer Lab:
Lab is a well ventilated and equipped with 10 computers available for training and practice purpose. This lab will be used by the students to practice the application of computers in the field of nursing.

g) AV AIDS Lab:
The lab is equipped with various electronic devices for the effective teaching & learning such as LCD projectors, OHP, TV, V.C.D., C.D players and Tape Recorders etc.

The lab accommodates students by providing scheduled timefor both skills practice and patients specific preparation all specialties the lab contains advance instruments and equipment pertaining to all nursing courses that provide support to the students for learning purpose and also developing critical thinking.

4) Auditorium/Multipurpose Hall:
Auditorium is spacious enough to accommodate at least double the sanctioned/actual strength of students, so that it is utilized for hosting functions of the college, educational conferences/ workshops, examinations etc. It has proper stage, well –ventilated and has proper lighting system and arrangements for the use of all kinds of basic and advanced audio-visual aids.
5) Hostels
Hostel accommodation is available for all students. There is also separate Residential Quarters for teaching faculty and other staff in hostel & has separate T.V room and common room. Round the clock security service is also provided to the hostel. Hostel has a dining hall with seating capacity of 60 to 100 students. Students are under the disciplinary supervision of the Chief Warden and Assistant Wardens and Hostel Supervisor. Staying in Hostel & taking food from the hostel mess is compulsory for all students.The Managements Provides recreational facilities like news paper, magazine, indoor and outdoor games, other facilities like laundry, telephone, first aids kit and doctor on call.